Fresh Reads, WORK, Influencers Michele Griffin Fresh Reads, WORK, Influencers Michele Griffin

Flatmate from hell

Lauren Mabbett’s new roommate is too good to be true – but at least the rent’s being paid

Lauren Mabbett’s new roommate is too good to be true – but at least the rent’s being paid.

Delilah Nunin. When I search her on Facebook, the name doesn't come up. Weird. No Instagram, either. I guess she doesn't like social media.

In early 2020, I move into a cute two-bedroom home in Auckland, and go on the hunt to find a new flatmate. Delilah, or “Del”, sends a lovely message: She's 42, American, a luxury travel agent, clean and tidy. Perfect.

I tell her that rent is $300 a week plus bills, and she gives a “pfft, is that all” type of response. It's an interesting response considering when I ask her to pay bond before she moves in, she refuses, because she has no money until move-in day. 

I notice tiny things that seem slightly off, but let them go, like the fact her three children are growing up in America but she's in New Zealand just because she “liked New Zealand more”. I ask her if she’s on social media, but she tells me she goes under different names as she “doesn't want her mum getting all up in her business”. Maybe don't add your mum on Facebook? But okay.

Level 4 lockdown hits. This makes me slightly nervous, as Del is a “luxury travel agent”, and every travel agent I'm hearing about is getting made redundant. Despite this, she convinces me she's the busiest she's ever been, working longer hours to accommodate all the trips being booked. She tells a lot of long-winded stories that don’t quite add up.

Then one day, Del suddenly tells me she needs to find a new place as her parents are coming over and she needs to live with them (this must be the mum she didn’t want all up in her business). Within three days, she's not only found a house, but has been accepted, and is moving this coming weekend. Since we are still on really good terms, she agrees to cover rent for both places until I can replace her (despite her new place being $750 a week).

In the meantime, she's buying a brand-new leather lounge suite. Brand-new dining table. Brand-new TV. Brand-new iPad… For someone who couldn't pay bond right away, I can’t help but think this is a bit suspicious – but as long as she pays rent, whatever.

Over the next few days, Del comes and goes to get a few bits. Her room is still basically full minus her bed, and we keep in touch. I even go to her new house with a pot plant. Two more weeks pass… And then the rent bounces.

I message her asking what happened, and get no reply. I try twice more, then change the locks.

A whole week goes by without hearing from Del. This is SUPER weird, as we talked nearly every day and there'd been no fights or anything. Just as I'm expecting the rent to bounce again, her rent pops in. This is even weirder. If you're going to ghost me, why are you still paying rent?

The rent keeps coming. Week after week.

I reach out on Del’s birthday despite having not heard from her, and notice most people on her Facebook page are calling her Wendy. Don't they know that's her fake name? Suddenly, another week of rent is skipped. But the next week goes in. What the hell is going on? I go away on a girls’ weekend and fill my friends in on the situation. We decide to Google her.

Oh. My. God.

The first article I see is a formal complaint to the Better Business Bureau in the USA regarding a fraudulent travel agent named Delilah Nunin. She ripped a group off of roughly $30,000, and when they tried to get their money back, she gave the special Del brand of long, confusing, complicated answers, then vanished. Several other articles popped up about her different aliases, pyramid schemes, multiple birth dates… The list went on.

About four weeks go by, and I send Del a final message to cover myself, basically saying that if she doesn't pay rent this week I'll be removing her property from the house. No reply.

Right! Time to pour a wine, invite a friend over, and have a field day going through what she left behind. And oh, boy. Do we ever.

We start sorting through piles of documents, handbags, folders, diaries, boxes. Pretty much everything minus her bed was left there. (Let me just reiterate I'd made multiple attempts by this point to reach her, and also consulted a lawyer to protect my terrified wee backside.)

Straight away I find her passport; it's under the name Delilah Nunin - and it seems real. Why the heck would you leave that behind? I find a wallet with multiple credit cards, eftpos cards, and other cards (all current) inside. Letters requesting to change her IRD number, multiple name tags with different names on them, it doesn't stop. I then find several letters from debt collectors demanding payments of upwards of $20,000. I can only imagine this may have played a part in Del’s sudden move.

My face is starting to look like Tim Curry in Home Alone 2 when he discovers Kevin's credit card is stolen.

I find an iPad – sweet. Maybe I can sell this to make up for that $600 in Del’s rent I'm now paying. A voucher for a night away in a deluxe room with breakfast included? Strange but okay.

I then Google her “luxury travel agency” and find it's been raided and shut down for fraud.

The next thing I find makes me physically shake; she'd been advertising her room in my flat for rent, and replying to comments of interest. Replies that were sent three days ago, when we hadn't spoken in weeks, and she's had no access to the house. I can only imagine this is some
ploy to take people’s bond and scarper.

We then turn to Del’s wardrobe and discover it's literally jammed full of clothes, at a guess around 300 pieces, which are all brand-new, expensive, labelled, and in significantly different sizes.

Well, I did what any burned roommate would do, and went shopping in there. I now own a few pieces from The Del Collection *flicks hair and looks at camera*, and the Sallies and Recycle Boutique got the rest.

To this day, I still have not heard from the mysterious Delilah Nunin again. I can confirm her parents are not here and never were. I have passed on her new address to the debt collectors.

All that aside, I am looking forward to my night away in a deluxe room with breakfast included. Thanks, mate. 

Listen to Lauren weekdays 9am to 3pm on The Hits 95.0FM.

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Fresh Reads, WORK, Influencers Michele Griffin Fresh Reads, WORK, Influencers Michele Griffin

Culture shock

Will Johnston has a solution for one of the Tauranga CBD’s problems, and he’s practically giving it away.

Will Johnston has a solution for one of the Tauranga CBD’s problems, and he’s practically giving it away.

It’s fair to say that I was excited to go to Hamilton. That’s not usually a sentence that comes out of my mouth. Cold and foggy isn’t my cuppa. However, this time, Hamilton was going to be different.

It was at Spark Arena in Auckland, and it’s the musical about Alexander Hamilton that’s taken over the theatre world since its first performance in 2015. My wife is a huge musical theatre fan, so this was a must for her and, by association, me. Don’t get me wrong, I like a musical as much as the next 39-year-old musically untalented guy. But mid-show when I noticed my forearm was wet from the tears of joy and sorrow emanating from my wife’s face, I realised I was not at her level of enthusiasm/hysteria. Bless.

But the thing that really struck me while we had our baby-free weekend in Auckland was that we are lacking a vibe in Tauranga. 

There’s a buzz in Auckland (if you tell an Aucklander I said that, I’ll deny it). Maybe it’s more people, maybe it’s bigger buildings, maybe it’s just traffic (though we have that in spades here – amiright)? Or maybe it’s the fact that businesses are actually open and operating at night – not just food and booze businesses, either. 

I hear the same old argument about Tauranga not being big enough to support opening at night, or even support half of the businesses during the regular shopping hours. But rather than just complaining – as I’m prone to do as I sink into my late-30s role of dad jokes and loathing of bad parking – I have a solution! 

All I ask for this fix is a humble working week’s worth of fees that the Tauranga commissioners charge per day of work each. $1,500 each x 5 work days = $7,500. I know, generous of me, right? I’m not even charging the chair’s fee of $1,800 per day. Which I would be totally justified to do as I am quite clearly the chairman of my own board. 

So here it is: Whack it on the rates, mate! 

Every residential ratepayer gets an allowance built into their rates that must be spent on tickets to shows/events every year. If you don’t spend it, it gets divided up as an annual cash payment among all businesses/organisations in the CBD that would benefit from an entire theatre of people coming to town before/after a show. 

Worst-case scenario for the ratepayer: You get to go to a bunch of shows a year, expand your horizons, and fill the CBD with reasons for businesses to operate there. Worst-case scenario for a business/organisation: They get a sweet cash payment at the end of every year to keep the doors open/pay their staff and reinvest into their business to make the CBD a more attractive place to socialise for the ratepayer. 

Now, who do I invoice for this idea? 

All this aside… It worries me that I’ve mentioned rates AND went to Auckland and enjoyed myself. Who have I become? Middle-aged?! 


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